Students are required to research and analyse a multi-national entity of their choice.
In the report, students must address the following themes from topics 5 -9, including:
1. Foreign market entry strategy adopted by the selected MNE
2. Competitive dynamics and market conditions faced by the MNE
3. MNE’s organisational structure, knowledge management and innovation
This is strictly required to be your own original work. Plagiarism will be penalised.
Students are required to apply the theories and knowledge derived from the course materials, demonstrate critical analysis and provide a considered and comprehensive evaluation of their selected MNE. Students must use correct in-text citation conventions.

This group assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of course concepts and apply their knowledge of the theories and course material to a contemporary multi-national entity operating in different markets around the world.
Select a current well-known multi-national entity or consult with your lecturer and ensure that it has not been selected by another group. Analyse the selected and approved multi-national entity in terms of:
 Foreign entry strategy
 Competitive Dynamics
 Organisational structure
 Knowledge Management
 Innovation
In this report,
 Use sub-headings
 Use appropriate paragraphing
 Reference the sources used with correct in-text citation conventions
 Provide a full list of references at the end using correct referencing conventions
 Check the safe-assign report and modify the submission if it is Medium or High risk.

1. Holmes Institute Cover Page [This is essential and must be completed accurately]
2. Executive Summary
3. Table of Contents
4. Main Body of the report contains Section Headings – e.g. Introduction, Foreign Entry Strategy, Competitive Dynamics, Organisational Structure, Knowledge Management, Innovation and Conclusion.
5. Sub-sections are numbered.
6. Appropriate paragraphing must be used.
7. Page Numbers must be used.
8. Reference List at the end must be in the Harvard format and mainly academic Journal Articles.
9. Appendix: Statement of ‘Who wrote which section’. All students in the group must indicate which sections of the report was their individual contribution.
10. The report must be within the 3,000 word limit.


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