•Civil War and Reconstruction (1861-1877)
Explore three exhibits or collections that include a mix of documents and images and media. Make note of the collections or exhibits you explore, the additional resources and links, and general summary of the materials/presentation.
Prepare a 700-word paper focusing on the following for the online observation:
•What topic area, exhibits, and collections did you examine?
•How does the content relate to HIS/110CA? (Note: The unit of observation may be from a different time period than covered by HIS/110CA but should remain within the broad field of United States History between 1650 and the present.)
•What is the context or summary of the collections and exhibits? What specific items did you look at?
•How did you find navigation of the website? Was it easy or difficult? Briefly describe the layout and ways you interacted with the site.
•Who is the intended audience for the materials/collections/exhibits?
•What did you learn about the topic area not covered in your textbook or course materials?
•How does can the Library of Congress website enhance your study of American History?