Develop an application of reading digital signals from an ECG device, and processing,
displaying and sending the data to the Cloud
• Set up 20 ECG data collection centres which involves
o buying ECG devices and laptops
o installing software
o connecting to Internet
o staff training
• Setup software as a service (SaaS) on the Cloud
o Develop and install a web server
o Design and setup the database to store ECG test data
o Upload ECG data
o Develop and install the Data Mining and Machine Learning application
o Download stored data on request of a general practitioner and a cardiologist
o Notify a general practitioner and download a cardiologist’s report
• Develop a cardiologist mobile application with the following functionality:
o Inform the doctor about the ECG test that requires analysis
o Download and display the ECG data
o Record the doctor’s report
o Upload the doctor’s report
o Download on request history data
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