Throughout this course you have learned about the importance of flow; material and
information flow. The concept was discovered in topics such as process management,
bottleneck analysis, inventory management, Toyota Production System to name a few.
The focus has been strongly on the internal process environment.
Assessment 4 is an individual research report that is focused on ensuring that students
are able to do quality research (peer reviewed articles (most important), textbook,
reports, etc.) into how to effectively and efficiently operate a business the fast food
Students are expected to answer the following questions:
• Identify both established and emerging consumer value propositions within the
fast found industry.
• Provide a process map (or flowchart) of a fast food restaurant’s order fulfilment
• Discuss how Blockchain may enhance the supply chain performance in the fast
food industry?
• Review the relationship between service quality and profitability with the adoption
of Blockchain in the supply chain.
• Describe the potential operational challenges faced by managers of your chosen
restaurant to implement a Blockchain solution.
• Provide recommendations for improving the service operations of the fast food

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