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Task Description

As an independent market researcher, explore and find an authentic marketing problem of a company and formulate at least two research questions.

Your presentation should include the following aspects.

  • Explanation of the detailed search process undertaken to study a company and its current marketing issues.
  • Identification of an authentic research problem the company is facing and the formulation of research questions.
  • Justification of why researching the identified problem would benefit the company.
  • Presentation with greater clarity including expression, style and format, citations and references (please also note that you need at least two citations/references from recent academic journals, one book and a few other sources, including authentic online and Web sources).

Please find below some notes for this task.

  • Note that assessment task 1 and assessment task 2 are connected.
  • You need to study various secondary sources, including annual reports, trade journals, published research studies, company Website, reviews, company press releases and News, advertisements and the like to explore, identify, justify and explain the authentic marketing problem of the company of your preference. The research questions you develop for this company must reflect the problem you identify.
  • You need to identify, justify and explain the problem with appropriate search process and relevant citations.
  • Your PowerPoint presentation must be in 15 slides (max.), and your oral presentation must complete in 15 minutes (max.). Be professional and creative in your presentation.
  • For distance/flex students: you have to prepare the PowerPoint Slides with voice-over and submit it via the unit Moodle site by week 4. There is a separate upload link for it.
  • Metro-campus students: you have to present the PowerPoint Slides in class by week 5. Your campus lecturer will schedule this for you. You have to upload the presentation slide by week 4.
  • The Turnitin matching rate must not exceed 20%.
  • As per the policy, a late submission of an assessment task will attract a 5% deduction of available marks for each day after the due date.
  • If you need to submit an assessment extension request, you can only apply through the unit Moodle site at least 24 hours before the deadline ends.
  • Please consult your lecturer and tutor to develop this assessment task. The selection and presentation of resources from Google, Wikipedia, Social Media (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.), NetMBA, MarketingTeacher, tutor2u, assessment hire and other third party sources will be assessed negatively.

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