Week 2 Reflection Journal

One of the most effective ways we can understand what it is we know, what we have learned, and what we still need to know is through reflective writing. While reflective writing is not, by definition, technical writing, this weekly exercise should help you to better assess your progress through the course and course concepts.

This Week’s Journal Topic: Mechanism and Process Descriptions.

For this week’s journal, reflect on the content of chapters 4 and 5 and respond to the following questions:

· Compare and contrast mechanism and process descriptions.

o How are the two descriptions similar? Be specific.

o How are the two descriptions different? Be specific.

o Credit the textbook by title and/or author to support your ideas.

· In the assignment, you were tasked with writing an introduction to a mechanism and process description. Based on the reading and your personal experience, how confident are you that you could draft a complete mechanism or process description that has an introduction, discussion, and conclusion?

· What questions do you still have about these two technical writing documents?

Your response should be narrative in style, and it should be from 150 – 250 words in length.

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