DQ 1: What are the main factors influencing the interest rates?
For your initial DQ answer, keep the following in mind since it is the criteria for earning your point(s)…Did you offer a real life example/application? Did you use your own words instead of rewriting the text? Is your answer more than a few sentences so you can best explain and illustrate your thoughts (400-500 words are the Minimum)? You have to use at least 2 references going beyond your textbook, which I do not consider research. Also: please no Investopedia, wiki of any sorts or similar popular sites as research. Your DQ answers need to be submitted to turnitin
DQ2: Please define and explain the use of the duration and convexity.
For your initial DQ answer, keep the following in mind since it is the criteria for earning your point(s)…Did you offer a real life example/application? Did you use your own words instead of rewriting the text? Is your answer more than a few sentences so you can best explain and illustrate your thoughts (400-500 words are the Minimum)? You have to use at least 2 references going beyond your textbook, which I do not consider research. Also: please no Investopedia, wiki of any sorts or similar popular sites as research. Your DQ answers need to be submitted to turnitin