Article 1 Topic: Inter-cultural communication and cross cultural negotiation

-you will be responsible for reading the world, national and business sections of a high-quality daily newspaper (e.g., The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, New York Times).

-a short paragraph (200 to 300 words) on ‘Why you or your organization would care about this issue’ and a provide a reference for the article. You need to also include a cover page with your document.

Article 2: Topic: Courage and Moral Leadership

-you will be responsible for reading the world, national and business sections of a high-quality daily newspaper (e.g., The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, New York Times).

-a short paragraph (200 to 300 words) on ‘Why you or your organization would care about this issue’ and a provide a reference for the article. You need to also include a cover page with your document.

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