Introduce yourself briefly. Discuss your prior knowledge of and interest in the course topic. Also, explain how this course will assist you in your career path. Next, choose one of the options below for discussion. Be sure to elaborate and explain.

• Exhibit 2-1: Enron, WorldCom, and Shifts in Business Regulation (p. 19 in the text)

Google either of these two companies to learn the story of the financial scandals that resulted in the loss of millions of dollars and the imprisonment of corporate officers. Do you think that the CEOS and other corporate officers were justly held criminally responsible? Do you believe that business can regulate itself to act ethically or is government oversight a necessity to protect the public from financial wrongdoing? Investors? Elaborate and explain.

For one of your posts, do a little exploring online and discuss another white-collar crime story in the news. Include one source, properly cited in APA format.

Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.

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