
You will create a one-page memorandum articulating your recommendations for how to improve and create a more effective corporate message in response to the incident.

Your memo may include an actual script for the revised message. However, that is not required. You must explain in your memo what changes and improvements are needed for the message to be more effective and successful with Domino’s customers.

Your memo must address the following:

· What are the Domino’s customer’s needs, expectations, and values as they relate to this incident?

· What is the goal/purpose/outcome you hope to achieve by delivering this message?

· What is the main idea (or ideas) that you are trying to communicate?

· What is the best way to communicate/improve the current message?

Assignment Rubric

Max. Points Grading Criteria

20 Organization, Design and Formatting

· Follows proper template (as outlined in textbook or discussed in class)

· Information is relevant and in logical order

· Use of white space is appropriate

· Use of appropriate font style and size for professional communication

· Professional presentation and style (including bullet points or numbered lists when appropriate)

20 Grammar and Mechanics

· void of spelling, grammar, usage and typographical errors

40 Content, Clarity and Conciseness

· Appropriate level of detail and specifics in message

· Clarity and conciseness of content of message (appropriate sentence, paragraph and message length)

· Appropriate tone

· Appropriate diction/word choice

20 Audience

· Message is adopted to the specific needs and expectations of audience

· Fulfills purpose of assignment

· Overall effectiveness and persuasiveness of materials

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