Using the company/organization(TESLA) that you have chosen for your marketing plan (final project), answer the following questions:

  1. Look at the Figure in Chapter 14 entitled, Integrated Marketing Communications, that outlines the blended mix of promotional tools (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion etc.). Consider which mix of tools will be best suited to the company/organization (choose at least 2).
  2. Discuss why these would be the best marketing communication tools and summarize what kind of marketing communication you would employ (for example, what type of sales promotion would you recommend for the company etc.).
  3. What types of advertising objectives would you recommend (see table entitled ‘Possible Advertising Objectives” in Chapter 15)?
  4. How could a cloud based CRM tool help this company/organization?

3 page

2 citation (one must be book)

introduction and conclusion is must

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