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Directions: Review at 8 of the provided websites then select 4 of the 8 to rate using the provided rating scale provided. You will write a 1 page summary of how these web-sites supports the teaching and learning of students ages birth to 8 years.

1. National Association for the Education of Young Children   www.naeyc.org

2. Early Childhood Educators and Family Web Corner   http://users.sgi.net/-cokids/

3. Sunshine Online    www.sunshine.co.nz/

4. Preschool Teacher     www.bv.net/-stormie/

5. Hall of Early Childhood Education   www.tenet.edu/academia/earlychild.html

6. Resources for Early Childhood Special Education   www.mcps.k12.md.us/curriculum/pep/pz.html

7. The Perpetual Preschool    www.perpetualpreschool.com

8. Kinder Korner  www.geocities.com/Hertland/Hollow/1213

9. Connecting Students-Preschool through Second Grade   www.connectingstudents.com/themes/ps2.htm#

10. A World of Kindergartens  www.iup.edu/-njyost/KHI/KHI.htmlx

11. Family Education  www.familyed.com

12. Center for Child Development at Harvard   http://developingchild.harvard.edu/

13. Zero to three  https://www.zerotothree.org/

14. Storyline Online http://www.storylineonline.net/

As you prepare to work with children and their families, having a firm list of websites useful in planning instructions are essential. You will select 8 sites to review. then complete the website review sheet to evaluate 4 of the 8 sites you reviewed. you will then provide a 1 -2 page summary of how these web-sites supports the teaching and learning of students ages birth to eight. Discuss the usefulness of each web-site and how you would or would not share or use in future teaching.

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