Forum Reply: 125-150 words with reference. Professional and Critical reply.

Forum Topic:

Identify a company that you consider as agile and another company that is not. Explain the rationale for your selections and compare and contrast the two companies.

Forum Discussion:

MillerCoors is a brewing company that makes beers such as Miller Lite, Coors, and Blue Moon among many others. I would consider this an example of a non-agile company. The company has been around for almost 200 years and has largely been committed to large scale beer brewing. While they have tried to adapt to changes throughout time, their biggest beer brands have not changed and they have not been able to find success in emerging adult beverages such as the growing trend of hard seltzers.

In contrast, the Mark Anthony Group, which produces products such as Mike’s Hard Lemonade and White Claw, has proven to be a very agile company. In fact, their agility in marketing the White Claw is evident as Senior Vice President Sanjiv Gajiwala points out that they marketed to both genders and to the way that we hang out. (Heil, 2019)

While both companies continue to succeed, the Mark Anthony Group, has proven to be agile and adaptable in an involving market.


Heil, E. (2019, September 10). The key to White Claw’s Popularity: Marketing to a post-gender world. . Retrieved Feb 5 , 2020, from The Washington Post:

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