Include a brief literature review (a minimum of five peer-reviewed articles) that adds insight into the problem and provides evidence that supports group interventions. Suggested outline for paper:
a) Introduction
b) Population/Problem
c) Literature review
d) Group proposal
• Issue to be addressed, purpose and rationale for the group
• Type of group you are proposing
• Rationale for your choice of group and group structure (base your rationale on the evidence in your literature review and what it stated was the standard of practice that was most effective)
• Criteria for group membership, participation
• How members will be recruited and assessed.
• Written contract regarding group norms of participation
• The length of time the group will meet (number of minutes for which each session will be scheduled, and the number of sessions during the life of the group)
• List three goals for the group
• Themes for each session and activities, materials, exercises, group processes that are expected. (i.e., if the group meets seven times what are the seven weekly themes? What are your goals for each session?)
• Describe the social worker role you will play in the group – will you be a facilitator, organizer, advocate, a manager, or presenter? Or encourage the group to develop and maintain its own process? How will this role change as the group evolves?
• Discuss specific groups skills that you would hope to demonstrate in facilitating this group. How will you demonstrate awareness and sensitivity to diversity and culture in the group?
• Discuss how you might address ethical issues that could occur during the group such as confidentiality, non-compliance, etc.
• Discuss how you will approach the group’s ending. How do you think group members might feel when the group ends? What will you do if they would like the group to continue?
• How will you evaluate the group’s effectiveness? Design a brief survey to evaluate the effectiveness of the group and/or participant satisfaction with the group.
e) Critique of your proposal (strengths and weaknesses)
f) Conclusion

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