ii. Write an SQL statement to list the branch postcode, and the names of all
staff in the ‘London’ branch. Sort the output according to postcode
(screenshot required). (1 mark)
iii. Write an SQL statement to list all the properties that have been viewed by
one or more clients. More precisely, list the client full name, the client
email, the propertyNo, the street of the property, and all the viewings that
occurred in Jan-2018′ date. Order the output first by the client fName, then
by the propertyNo (screenshot required). (1.5 marks)
iv. Show the number of times that each property for rent has been viewed.
(1.5 marks)
v. List the highest salaried staff and show their first name and their position:
give the column heading: ‘Highest_Salary’. (1.5 marks)
vi. Use an Inner Join and show all the staff who work in the ‘London’ branch:
list the staff Number and the full name along with the branch city. (

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