!!!!!Guided Discussion 1: Begin this discussion posting by stating what you believe to be a crisis. Next, explain what crisis communication involves and describe several types of crises. When writing your discussion, sure to include examples from the assigned readings/videos (In addition, you may also include personal experiences). Your post MUST be at least one paragraph!!!!!!

Watch the assignment video. https://learn.saylor.org/mod/page/view.php?id=11658

Read 4 articles below: 

1. Read: (Mitroff (2005) Managing Crises Before They Happen, Chap 1 “Why Crises Are Inevitable”)

2. Read: Mitroff, Chap 3 “Best Practices Model”

3.Read: Girboveanu, Sorina-Raula: How to Manage a Public Relations CrisisPreview the document

4. Read: Johar, G.V., Matthias M Birk, and Sabine A Einwiller (Summer 2010)” How to Save Your Brand In the Face of Crisis.” MIT Sloan Management Review. 51 (4), pp 57+. Preview the document

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