Self-Directed Research – Data brokers:

Reference links for your research are

  1. Here are the data brokers quietly buying and selling your personal information:
  2. What Are ‘Data Brokers’, and Why Are They scooping up information about you?: 
  3. Everything we know about what data brokers know about you:

After reading and researching (above referenced links) on DATA BROKERS, respond to the following 4 questions in total of about 350 words (see the attached document for the complete assignment).

  1. Select THREE data brokers companies from the list mentioned in the articles you have read and search for information on those companies. Report on the type of information you found.
  2. How do data brokers collect your data?
  3. Have you ever considered how you might be tracked? Does it bother you?
  4. In what ways are you able to keep your private information “private”? Explain your answer.
  • attachment


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