Company: Coca-Cola

-Please provide turnitin report

-Complete A-J

-Attached is the prompt!

Critical Elements Below:

A. Executive Summary: Clearly and concisely summarize your principal findings, projections, and recommendations as a manager, with the goal of persuading busy executives to support your ideas and read further for the Coca Cola Company. Provide your intended audience with a solid but brief sense of the parameters of your analysis and who you would consult in refining it further, and why. Remember that your goal is to convince readers of the validity of your observations for the Coca Cola Company while recognizing limitations that affect business decisions. (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

B. According to the last three years of the financial performance on the Coca-Cola Company.

What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in revenue tell you and do any items stand out? Briefly explain the revenue. (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

C. According to the last three years of the financial performance on the Coca-Cola Company. What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in operating income tell you and do any items stand out? Briefly explain the operating income. (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

D. According to the last three years of the financial performance on the Coca-Cola Company.

What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in net profit or loss tell you and do any items stand out? Briefly explain the net profit or loss. (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

E. According to the last three years of the financial performance on the Coca-Cola Company.

What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in earning before interests and taxes tell you and do any items stand out? Briefly explain the earning before interests and taxes. (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

F. According to the last three years of the financial performance on the Coca-Cola Company. What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in Consolidated Income Statement Evaluation tell you and do any items stand out? Briefly explain the Consolidated Income Statement Evaluation. (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

G. What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in cash from operating activities of the Coca Cola Company tell you? Do any items stand out? (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

H. What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in cash from investing activities of the Coca Cola Company tell you? Do any items stand out? (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

I. What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in cash from Consolidated Cash Flow Statement Evaluation of the Coca-Cola Company tell you? Do any items stand out? (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

J. What do the amounts and year-to-year changes in cash from financing activities of the Coca Cola Company tell you? Do any items stand out? (Six to Seven Sentences with values from 2016-2018).

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