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How can training achieve all four levels of training evaluation (re: Kirkpatrick’s model p. 182 in Noe)

Student response


Kirkpatrick’s model for training evaluation consists of four levels: reaction, learning, behavior and results.  In order to achieve all levels of this model, an in-depth review and analysis should be conducted at multiple stages of the training.  For instance, both the first and second level (reaction and learning) can be measured via course critiques and surveys and the data obtained from these items can be used to improve the quality of the learning environment and correct deficiencies in the course. The third level refers to behavior and skill-based outcomes.  Noe describes these as “the extent to which trainees have learned skills can be evaluated by observing their performance in work samples such as simulators. Skill transfer is usually determined by observation” (Noe, 2017, pg. 256). This is done routinely in my field in order to verify if the training is effective.  The fourth area covers results.  Results encapsulate the entirety of the trainings effectiveness.  These may be measured in short term or long term such as increase in production or observed sustained superior performance than prior to receiving the training.


Noe, R. A. (2017).  Employee Training & Development, 7e. McGraw-Hill Education.

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