Gender Museum

50 Points

 Objective: To create a visual representation that expresses a particular gender concept.

 Assignment description: You will create a “sculpture” which communicates to the viewer a message about gender and communication. Ideally the sculpture will illustrate your own personal reaction to

concepts you have learned in the class and how these concepts have influenced your perspective

regarding gender and communication.

 Requirements of the assignment: o Sculpture: The visual representation must be three dimensional, but how you create the

sculpture is up to you. You may “build” the sculpture using a single object or material or

multiple objects and/or materials. Materials, items, size, the finished sculpture is up for grabs,

however, you must be able to transport your sculpture to the classroom and assemble it in no

more than 15 minutes. You can be part of the sculpture, but are not required to. Note: if you are

part of your sculpture you will not have the ability to tour the museum.

o Gendered: your sculpture must represent one specific gender concept that we have discussed in class.

o Artist Statement: you will prepare a one-half to one full page artist statement which contextualizes your sculpture and explains your argument/message to the viewer. The statement

will be displayed with the sculpture. Please turn in a second copy with your assignment rubric.

o Gender Museum: sculptures will be installed along with the artists’ statement. The class and invited members of the public will tour the museum to observe your work. After the museum

“closes” we will have a discussion about the sculptures presented. The sculpture and the

articulation of gender issues surrounding the sculptures will be your final exam for this class.

 Evaluation: Using the rubric provided, you will evaluate yourself on the sculpture and artist statement sections of the rubric. Please circle the number on the left-hand side followed by the explanation of point

valuation for what you believe your score is. Place your total score for these two sections (40 points)

under the student evaluation total. The instructor will evaluate using the top row of numbers for each

section and put the assignment total at the bottom along with comments.


Sculpture: 5 4 3 2 1 0 x 6 _________________________/30

5 Execution of sculpture thoroughly addresses at least one specific gender concept and is representative of the

artist statement.

4 Execution of sculpture adequately addresses at least one specific gender concept and is mostly representative

of the artist statement.

3 Execution of sculpture partially addresses at least one specific gender concept and/or is partially

representative of the artist statement.

2 Execution of sculpture minimally addresses a gender concept and/or minimally represents the artist


1 Execution of sculpture fails to address a gender concept and/or fails to represent the artist statement.

Statement: 5 4 3 2 1 0 x 2 ___________________/10

5 Statement thoroughly addresses the contextualization of your sculpture and explains your argument or

message to the viewer.

4 Statement adequately addresses the contextualization of your sculpture and explains your argument or

message to the viewer; may leave the viewer with questions.

3 Statement is underdeveloped in the contextualization of your sculpture and /or explanation of your argument

or message to the viewer and leaves the viewer with questions.

2 Statement is only partially complete either in the contextualization, the explanation of your argument or

message to the viewer or both; does not convey enough meaning for the viewer to understand the purpose of

the sculpture.

1 Statement and/or explanation of your argument or message to the viewer have only been minimally

developed and/or one or the other is missing from the statement; leaves the viewer with little to no

understanding of the purpose of the sculpture.

Discussion: 5 4 3 2 1 0 x 2________________________/10

5 Student articulates a strong understanding of gender issues, ideas, and concepts represented by the


4 Student articulates an adequate understanding of gender issues, ideas, and concepts represented by the


3 Student articulates partial understanding of gender issues, ideas, and concepts represented by the sculptures;

some focus is placed on the quality of sculptures rather than con concepts.

2 Student articulates minimal understanding of gender issues, ideas, and concepts represented by the

sculptures; focus is very limited to concepts and more on quality of sculptures.

1 student fails to articulate an understanding of gender issues, ideas, and concepts and instead focuses entirely

on the quality of sculptures.

Student evaluation total ________________/40

Instructor evaluation total ______________/50

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