Write a formal, academic research paper based on a topic, thesis and outline developed from:


  • Chapter 23 “How Does Popular Culture Stereotype You?”.
  • Chapter 24 “How Does What We Eat Define Who We Are?”
  • Chapter 26, “Has the Internet Destroyed Privacy?”


Structure and Elements of the Research Paper


  • Introduction and Background: You describe an issue, a problem, or a conflict in terms rich enough to show that you fully understand and respect any alternative position or positions.
  • Writer’s Position and Development: You state your position on the issue and present the circumstances in which that opinion would be valid. You divide up the topic, explaining what the claim is, what the key issues are, and in what order they will be treated.
  • Body: You offer detailed support for the claim, using both logical reasoning and factual evidence. Support will be two-fold: a) critical support from academic articles and b) sufficient detailed analysis/examples (from media, or the appropriate field of your topic study).
  • Counter-Argument: You consider and respond to opposing claims.
  • Visual Text: Include at least two examples of a visual text: chart, graph, map, drawing or photograph/image.
  • Conclusion: Provide a comprehensive conclusion, perhaps even a proposal for change.


The research paper draft should be a fully developed document that makes a strong argument and supports that argument throughout the body of the paper using research sources, and your own analysis/examples. See chapters 8-12, and chapter 17 for types of structure and approaches to research papers.



Visual Text/Image

Words are powerful and capable of precision and subtlety. But some information is conveyed more efficiently by charts, graphs, drawings, maps, or photos. Provide a minimum of two examples of visual text.



Your paper MUST include 1-2 paragraphs of counterargument and rebuttal, including support from at least one source.



You must explain your ideas in detail in order to make a clear and complete argument.  For this assignment, you’ll also need to include specific examples (quotes) from ALL sources to support your analysis.



Research Sources

You must use evidence from at least 6-8 minimum sources as support for your argument. Your research sources must be taken from an academic website, such as the Palm Beach State Library Website.  You MAY NOT use the following sources:

  • Dictionaries (online or in print)
  • Encyclopedias (online or in print)
  • Wikipedia
  • Study guides


This paper should be approximately 7-9 minimum pages in length, not including the Works Cited page.



MLA Format:

  • You must include a Works Cited Page with your research paper. DO NOT submit this as a separate document; the Works Cited page belongs at the end of your paper.
  • ALL assignments must be submitted in proper MLA format. For help with MLA style guidelines, read Chapter 22 in EAA and visit the Purdue OWL website and search for MLA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/

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