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For this assignment, you will examine a social policy that Medicaid Expansion at the local, state or federal level by the legislative, executive, or judicial branch of government. The policy may be addressing a social issue that directly or indirectly affects the clients served by your field placement, agency of employment, your community, or who you plan to work with after graduation. Drawing from class materials and external sources, write an 8-10 page policy analysis (double-spaced, 12 point font, with 1” margins). Your paper should address the following:
Describe the social issue and identify the population-at-risk. Summarize existing research on this social issue.
What is the historical context of the policy that is Medicaid Expansion? How did the social issue come to the attention of policymakers? Who were/are the key actors who made the issue “legitimate” and mobilized support for or against the policy? Were there previous policy attempts to address this issue?
Describe the social policy Medicaid Expansion, answering the following questions:  What kinds of benefits are offered?  What are the bases of social allocation?  (who is eligible)  How are the benefits to be delivered?  How are the benefits financed?
What is the purpose/goal of the social policy Medicaid Expansion? What assumptions about problem causation underlie the policy’s approach to the identified social issue?
What are the effects of this social policy Medicaid Expansion? Summarize any existing research or evaluation. Your assessment should include a discussion of the policy in terms of its actual or potential (refer to your Reisch textbook for the definitions):  Horizontal and Vertical Adequacy  Individual and Social Equity  Inclusiveness of Coverage
Based on your analysis of this social policy Medicaid Expansion, including existing research and evidence, what are your recommendations? Do you recommend it as currently implemented? Would you suggest modifications, and if so which ones? How would you improve the policy Medicaid Expansion?  If more funding is recommended, be prepared to identify a source for that funding

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