• Thoroughly read the case. It is recommended that you read 2-3 times.(West Jet: A Social Media Strategy P43)
  • Prepare a 5-page report (12-point font, double spaced not including the title page or reference page), that addresses the following questions:
    • How has WestJet’s social media efforts evolved over time and assisted with being a corporate voice and customer relations platform?
    • Should Bartem and Hounslow opt to launch WestJet channels on Snapchat or Pinterest?  NOTE: Research each platform and determine how well each could serve WestJet’s corporate voice and be consistent with its current branding.
    • Research and describe one interesting new social media platform that is on the horizon (less than two years old).  Should WestJet be actively exploring new arrivals like this new service or waiting until a platform is popular and proven before investing in it? What best fits WestJet’s short and long term social media goals?  What is the criteria for success?
    • What best fits WestJet’s short and long term social media goals?  What is the criteria for success?
    • What decision option best fits WestJet’s decision criteria and can be sustainable in the short and long term within the economic constraints provided in the case?
    • With a budget allowance of $0 CAD, will WestJet be able to build a serious presence on its selected new social media platforms while maintaining its existing ones?  Serious can be defined as adding value to revenue generation, customer service, and brand engagement goals (i.e. through social media platform selection and the respective roll out plan, how can this strategy/adoption of a new platform pay for itself).
  • attachment


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