Statistics and variable types Describe how you might use statistics in your everyday life? Answer: there are some statistics, which are used in oureveryday life. 1. Weather forecasts 2. Emergency preparedness 3. Medical studies 4. Insurance 5. Consumer Goods What is the difference between populations and samples? Answer: Explain how interval and ratio scales differ. Explain how ordinal and nominal variables differ. Understanding Graphs 1. It is believed that hunger is partlycontrolled by external (environmental) cues. To investigate this arandom sample of 60 first year students was selected and eachstudent was in turn randomly allocated to one of three groups. Eachgroup of 20 students was put into a room with a large clockprominently displayed on the wall, and asked to complete aquestionnaire. In the first room, the clock on the wall showed thecorrect time. In the other rooms the clock was either one hour fastor one hour slow. The actual time, 5.30pm, was the usual eveningmeal time for all of the students. While the participants filledout the questionnaire, some dry biscuits and cheese were freelyavailable. The weight of the biscuits and cheese consumed by eachstudent was calculated; the means were: 4.30 group, 200gm; 5.30group, 300gm; and 6.30 group, 400gm. Identify the following: the dependentvariable the independent variable a population ofinterest a sample a statistic that wascalculated a variable measured on a nominal scale a variable measured on a ratio scale What did this study find? Understanding descriptive statistics In what way does the median represent the middle of thedistribution? In what way is the mean the balancing point of adistribution? Calculate the mean and the median for the following datavalues: 5, 7, 8, 2, 3, 8; 1.2, 0.8, 1.1, 0.6, 25 Why doesn’t it make sense to add up the numbers on the back offootball jumpers to get an average? . . .
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