Submission instructions: The following methods can be writtenand tested in one program.   Note: To receive full credit, each method should be tested withat least TWO different method calls. Unless the directions specify,do not include input or output in your methods! 1. Write and test the following method that calculates andreturns the area of a triangle. float triangleArea(float, float); Triangle area is given by A = 0.5bh where b is the base and h isthe height of the triangle. 2. Write and test the following method that determines whether agiven number is even. If it is even, return true, if it is odd,return false. bool isEven(int); 3. Write and test the following method that accepts two integerparameters, i and j, and then returns the sum of the numbers from ito j. int sum(int, int); 4. Write and test the following method that determines acceptsan integer value n and returns the sum of the first n naturalnumbers.    int sumN(int); 5. Write and test the following method that accepts an integervalue n and displays n lines of 5 stars each. void printNLines(int); . . .

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