Analyse strategic and operational plans and
policies to identify relevant policies and objectives
? Develop recruitment, selection and induction
policies and procedures and supporting
? Review options for technology to improve
efficiency and effectiveness of recruitment and
selection process
? Obtain support for policies and procedures from
senior managers
? Trial forms and documents supporting policies and
procedures and make necessary adjustments
? Communicate policies and procedures to relevant
staff and provide training if required
2. Recruit and select
? Determine future human resource needs in
collaboration with relevant managers and sections
? Ensure current position descriptors and person
specifications for vacancies are used by managers
and others involved in recruitment, selection and
induction processes
? Provide access to training and other forms of
support to all persons involved in recruitment and
selection process
? Ensure advertising of vacant positions complies
with organisational policy and legal requirements
? Utilise specialists where necessary
? Ensure selection procedures are in accordance
with organisational policy and legal requirements
? Ensure processes for advising applicants of
selection outcome are followed
? Ensure job offers and contracts of employment are
executed promptly, and new appointments are
provided with advice about salary, terms and