Yummy, Inc., had 310,000 shares of $1 par common stock issued and outstanding as of December 1, 2012. The company is authorized to issue 1,400,000 common shares. On December 15, 2012, Yummy declared and distributed a 5% stock dividend when the market value for Yummy’s common stock was $3.
1. Journalize the stock dividend.
2. How many shares of common stock are outstanding after the dividend?

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VVH has a serious problem: A major strategic objective of the health system is to grow its ambulatory care network, but the organization faces @ number of challenges in doing so. Although a new billing system was installed and various reimbursement maximization strategies were executed, total costs in the system exceed revenue, even as the clinic staff feel busy and backlog appointments have increased in number. Analysis of clinic data indicates a growing number of patients are canceling appointments or are no-shows. In addition, a new group of multispecialty and primary care physicians has been created from the merger of three separate groups; this clinic is aggressively competing with VVH for privately insured patients. The new large clinic is making same-day clinic appointments available and heavily advertising them. concern. The CEO begins by forming a small strategy team to lead improvement efforts; its first step is to assign the chief operating officer, chief financial officer, and medical director to direct the planning and finance staff on the improvement team. WH ultimately decides that it needs to increase the number of patients seen by clinicians and begins to implement advanced-access scheduling in its clinics. Because WH believes in knowledge-based management and the sharing of improved methods of delivering health services, the organization has made its data and information available on the book’s companion website. VVH has invited stu: dents and practitioners to help the organization improve this system Case Study Questions 1. Frame the original issue for WH. Mind maps and RCA may be useful here. 2. How would you address the no-show and cancelation issues? 3. Develop a project charter for one project associated with VVH’s problems. 4. Develop a balanced scorecard for WH’s clinics. 5. IF WH were to focus on increasing throughput in the system, how would you go about doing so? Be specific.

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