Performance Management General Framework
Discuss Performance Management in the context of the identifying the relevant School of
Management Theory. Identify positives and negatives in the approaches to performance
Individual Components
1. MBO, Review and Agree, 360-degree Feedback
2. Compare and contrast strengths and weaknesses of cohesive versus non-cohesive teams and the
application to High Performance Organisations
3. Performance Management from a Control Theory Perspective
4. The Balanced Scorecard Approach

Motivation Overview General Framework
Outline the meaning of motivation as it applies in the work place.
Individual Components
1. Discuss this question: Can a manager instill motivation into employees or is motivation a
process of drawing out something from employees? Discuss coaching.
2. Provide a map of the various theories of work motivation and explain the map
3. Discuss John Holland theory of personality and job fit as an explanation of work motivation
4. Describe the difference between a content theory and a process theory of motivation

Motivation: Content Theories General Framework
Describe the difference between a content theory and a process theory of motivation citing
examples of how some process theories, under criticism, have been reduced to content theories.
Individual Components
1. Discuss Maslow’s theory and detail the criticisms that have been levelled against it
2. Discuss Hertzberg’s theory and detail the criticism that have been levelled against it
3. Discuss McGregor’s theory of work motivation
4. Behavioural science research expects to be scrutinized and criticism levelled against it.
Summarise with examples from Hofstede’s work through to the theories of motivation

Motivation: Process Theories General Framework
Provide a map of the various theories of work motivation and explain the map distinguishing the
differences between content and process theories of work motivation
Individual Components
1. Discuss McClelland’s work and theories of work motivation
2. Discuss Goal Setting and its role in work motivation: the ‘Review & Agree‘ Process
3. Discuss Equity Theory using examples
4. Discuss Expectancy Theory using examples

Change Management General Framework
Outline the “Calm-waters” and the “White-water rapids” metaphors for Change Management.
Individual Components
1. Discuss Kotter’s theory of Change Management
2. Discuss Force-Field Analysis: giving examples
3. Changing an organisation’s culture may be necessary as part of change management. What can a
manager do to change an organisation’s culture?
4. Gerstner, at IBM, recognised from the outset the need for urgent change management. What
was that urgent need for change management? Gerstner also realised that IBM’s culture had to
change as a precursor to achieving the necessary organisational change. From the IBM case study,
summarise the value of the case in understanding change management and the role that change in
the organisational culture might play in it.

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