1) Assessment Details \r\nThis assessment involves reading and analysing the case study provided, titled: “Job satisfaction in the banking industry: or the logistical nightmare of conducting large scale quantitative research”. Each student will need to find four academic sources in English on the topic (a minimum of three must be peer reviewed journal articles and the fourth may be another journal article, a text book or a report published by the relevant government bodies). These sources should be relevant to the answer of the questions. The analysis of the case study will include around 1700 words in total. This includes utilised academic sources as well as responding to the questions. \r\n\r\n2)The document name \”assignment\” is the case you need to read, At the bottom of each question, I put some point in red word. This this the point you need to answer about.\r\nThanks!!\r\n\r\n3) Australian reference is better.

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