The final team project will include both a paper and an oral class PowerPoint presentation. The overall goal of the project is to provide direct experience with gathering relevant market information and using it to develop plans for a potential product introduction in the market.\r\n\r\n

Requirements: \r\n- Times New Roman\r\n- 12 Font, Double Spaced \r\n- APA is the required style\r\n- When composing written submissions and \r\nPowerPoint presentations, please show the \r\nstandard systems of measurements (volume, \r\nweight, distance, temperature, etc.) for \r\nboth the country being researched and the \r\nUnited States. Example: “In Dorset, England, \r\nour closest retail competitor is 10 km (6.2 \r\nmiles) away.” \r\n- Convert all currency to US dollars \r\nconsistent with the cited timeframe.\r\n\r\n\r\nCountry and product:\r\nCountry: New Zealand\r\n

Export the following solar energy products to New Zealand from the U.S. \r\nProduct: Solar panels (Photovoltaic) for Electricity and Solar Water Heaters using collector panel (either a flat sheet or envelope of darkened metal, or an evacuated (vacuum) tube, which all absorb the heat).\r\n\r\nSections that need to be written:\r\n\r\n- Introduction\r\n- Informational Synopsis\r\n- Barriers to entry\r\n- Legal concerns\r\n- Applicable trade agreements with the U.S.\r\n\r\nSee attached PowerPoint Instructions\r\n\r\n

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