Written Assignment 2 – Personal Philosophy of Education Vision and Mission Assignment (due week 3–10 points).

When we look at organizations from past and the present as well as apply conjecture into the future, obstacles will emerge, whether in (a) our career paths; (b) the way subordinates, colleagues and superiors view us (c) our leadership style; and (d) the preparation needed to best accelerate our professional opportunities especially in a global and highly diverse world. Organizations are represented by people from a vast array of backgrounds and life experiences (i.e., personal, professional). Since we must work in a “diverse” world, introspection regarding our own leadership, communication, and thinking styles is key to understanding our successes and failures as leaders.

As an aspiring leader, it is critical that you understand leadership issues through many lenses. For this assignment, you are asked to create a Leadership Portfolio addressing the topic “What Is Leadership and Who You are as a Leader.” In addition, you will need to include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources to support your positions.

Successful responses to this assignment should be relevant to your future as a leader, both personally and professionally. Through this assignment, you should learn more about yourself as well as be able to assess key characteristics of organizations. In your research, you should look at other future thinking organizations that are continually changing and redefining the way they conduct business and deal with the culture.

For this assignment only, you may write in first person where applicable (especially with your survey results). Your task is to research and answer the following areas:

1. Define Educational leadership: from research as well as your opinion;

2. Explain who you are as an educational leader;

3. Imagine what your legacy would be;

4. Reflect on strengths and areas to develop; and

5. Justify your actions to overcome obstacles.

Written Assignment 2 (10 points)

Element Exceeded (9-10 points ) Met (6-8 points ) Not Met (0-5 points ) Score Organization Extremely well organized; logical format was easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to the other and cleverly conveyed; the organization enhanced the effectiveness of the paper

Somewhat organized; ideas were not coherently presented as the transitions were not always smooth, which at times distracted the reader

Choppy and confusing; format was difficult to follow; transitions to ideas were abrupt and seriously distracted the reader

Content and Response to the Topic and Questions Completely accurate; all facts were precise and explicit

Somewhat accurate; more than a few inconsistencies or errors in information

Completely inaccurate facts in this project were misleading to the audience/reader

Research/References Exceeded expectations to research information; solicited material in addition to what was provided; brought in personal ideas and information to enhance project; utilized many resources to make paper effective

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