Use your evaluation to identify strengths in your management practice and prepare an action plan to address those areas for improvement The ‘nominal’ word count for this assignment is 2,000 words; the suggested range is between 1,500 and 3,000 words. Check your assignment carefully prior to submission using the assessment criteria Please use the headings shown below when writing up your Assignment

Assessment CriteriaContext
Briefly describe your organisation and what it does
(min 5 marks required from 10 available)
x Context of assignment is
Collect and analyse feedback on own managerial practice
Collect and analyse feedback from appraisal/performance
management systems and from colleagues about your management
practice, and operational data about your managerial effectiveness
(min 15 marks required from 30 available)
x Feedback from
management systems and
from colleagues about
own management practice
and operational data
about managerial
effectiveness is collected
and analysed
Evaluate own management performance
Using your analysis, critically evaluate your management performance
with reference to significant management theories or models and
schools or trends in management thinking.
(min 15 marks required from 30 available)
x Own management
performance, based on
performance information
with reference to
significant management
theories or models and
school or trends in
management thinking is
critically evaluated
Action plan for improvement x Evaluation is used to
identify strengths in own
management practice and
an action plan prepared to
address areas for
Using your evaluation identify strengths in your management practice
and prepare an action plan to address areas for improvement
(min 15 marks required from 30 available)
By submitting I confirm that this assessment is my own work

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