Guild lines and numbering system,
As you must be already aware, your dissertation is developed based on the plan that you have outlined in your research proposal. Within it you need to cover the following sections and requirements;
} Abstract
- Is the summary of the research paper
- Is the abstract adequate?
- What is the purpose of the research?
- What are its benefits and implications?
- What methodology was used? (sample size, data analysis methods and tools)
- What are the results?
} Introduction (10%)
Is there a clear purpose and rationale for the study? Are there clear set of objectives and research questions?
This informs the reader of the problem or the situation, and the context you are interested in.
Rationale for the study
- What is the research issue?
- Why is it an issue?
- Why is it an issue now?
- What could this research shed light on? – (benefits/ implications of the study)
Research Aims
Objectives, Research Questions and Hypothesis.
Research objectives
- One of the most important sections of the research proposal and the dissertation as you need to develop them properly in line with the research topic and conduct the research to achieve these
- The aspects that should be considered when developing objectives are:
o Development of 3 – 4 objectives
o Objectives should follow a logical sequence
o Start with ‘To’
o Use of appropriate level specific words such as ‘assess’, ‘evaluate’, ‘investigate’ etc.
o Final objective could be to make recommendations, or provide a solution to a problem or to make improvement/s
- To detail out the objectives, research questions can be included
} Literature Review and Conceptual Framework (20%)
- Is the range of literature sources (covering past research findings, books, online sources etc.) used suitable and adequate? (at least 20 – 30 sources to underpin the study)
- Has a critical review of the literature been made? (this could produce a conceptual framework where relevant)
In doing so, students need to capture debates in the study area and also bring in their own inputs/ views/ insights as well.
- Make a ‘link’ between existing literature and your own research
} Research Design and Methodology (20%)
- Has the research design and methodology discussed? Is the approach and philosophy appropriate?
- This section gives a detailed rationale/ justification of howyou achieve your research objectives. You are expected to:
1) Explain your selection of research paradigm/ philosophy, approach, strategy and methods (qualitative and quantitative techniques planned to be used)
2) Outline the methods of sampling (including population, sample size), data capture (including data gathering methods and instruments/ tools), analysis and interpretation to be used (analysis method/s and tool/s), and give reasons for the choice.
3) Highlight any limitations in the chosen methodology.
4) Discuss the type of ethical issues relevant for the research.
} Results, Analysis and Discussion – 30%
- Has the data/ results been accurately presented?
- Ensure to present the results
- The following requirements should be fulfilled;
- Different techniques such as tables, diagrams and charts should be used
- If interviews have been used you should provide transcripts of the actual interviews in the appendices and refer to them when presenting data/ results
- If qualitative research is used, you need to state important direct quotes within this section
- If a questionnaire has been used, it should be included in the appendices.
- Then you need to briefly explain the results before analysing and discussing each of them.
- Has the student analysed and interpreted their findings?
- The following factors should be considered;
- Should avoid including mere descriptions. Instead the results should be analysed in a meaningful way in line with research objectives.
- Subheadings/ bullet points can be used to discuss each objective separately
- The interpretation of the results should be backed up with own insights/ input, relevant literature (to see whether you have agreed with past findings or not) and it should also be aligned with the research objectives
- Literature should be pulled from literature review section & not new literature
- Making reasoned judgments on the findings
- Hence, this section needs to be addressed clearly and logically by first presenting the results, then briefly explaining them and then clearly analysing, discussing and interpreting each of the results obtained.
Conclusions/Recommendation – 10%
- Are conclusions reasoned?
- The following points should be addressed under the conclusion;
- Provide a summary of the findings of data analysis
- New facts should not be included in the conclusion
- Should reflect the extent to which the objectives are achieved
- The main lessons learnt from the research needs to be summarised
- Candidates can also mention whether the findings add or complement the existing research.
- Has the student given proper and valid recommendations?
- The following points should be considered when making recommendations;
- Keep recommendations short and effective
- The recommendations need to be valid for managerial level
- Recommendations can be SMART and they can be presented with an action plan (Gantt chart)
- Are the limitations and future research been discussed?
Presentation – 10%
- Has the student used a professional style to present the work?
- Following should be considered;
- Accurate referencing in Harvard style
- Good range of references
- Lack of plagiarism
- Accurate format and design (including headings, subheadings, paragraphs and numbering)
- Proper language (including spellings and grammar)
I have also attached 2 sample dissertations for your reference. Please also ensure that you do not copy content from these. The minimu number of words for your dissertation/ research project is 13,000 words.