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This assessment and requires students to assess a performance appraisal instrument utilised in performance manage-ment.

This assessment contributes to the following learning outcomes:

– Identify contrasting approaches to the management of organisational and employee performance.

– Critically assess models of performance management and the processes through which organisations and systems develop, and reward employee performance.

DetailsThe first part of your portfolio is the instrument which will be made available on vUWS in Week 6.

The second part of the portfolio is a report which reviews this instrument, specifically on the following question-s:

– What are the specific types or types of performance management technique(s) present in the instrument (150 words)?

– What are the instruments major strengths (250 words)?

– Are there any features in the instrument that may compromise assessment, reliability and felt-fairness (300 words)?

– Are there any ways in which the instrument, and the approach to performance management that it reveals, might be improved (300 words)?

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