1. Your web design consultancy company has been invited to tender for the design of a web site for a newly formed business/organization.
2. As part of the tender process you are required to present a proposal to the management team of the company.
3. If your proposal is eventually accepted, you will be asked to develop a prototype of your design in WordPress in Assignment 2.
4. The client’s business category/model will be supplied to you via email in the first week of the semester.
5. Your design proposal MUST address the specific and unique needs of the business category/model you have been assigned. You are also required to ensure that both your Assignments 1 and 2 meet the criteria to be classed within, and is directly related to, the business category assigned to you. Failure to do so will result in your assignments being rejected and no marks will be allocated to them.
6. You have been asked to do some preliminary research into the needs of the company and then demonstrate your capabilities and what you and your company can offer.
7. Your company has been told from the outset that the website must incorporate a high-end and responsive web design that provides a great user experience while creating an atmosphere of trust and professionalism.
8. You sent the management of the business a questionnaire and interviewed them for more information about the project and their requirements.
9. You analysed the information they provided and promised to send them a proposal in the next few days.
10. Prepare a professional web design and development proposal in the form of a PowerPoint presentation (25-30 slides) that will inform and impress the client.
11. Include speaker’s notes for each slide, as well as images, graphics, tables, animations, etc. where appropriate.
12. Do not include citations in your slides. Place all your sources of reference on your final slide.

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