The objective here is to understand the underlying principles behind an Electronic health system and to
analyze its usability through investigating different scenarios and exploring functionalities. Consider
an online health management system that provides you with a demonstration platform, e.g., OpenEMR
( A health system is expected to support all actors involved in a health
procedure/process. Your role is to investigate the system and build a report describing the following:
• Provide an overall description of the system you chose (e.g., OpenEMR)
• Identify the basic structure of the system’s DBMS
• Create at least two patients in the database (
• Access and use input screens for demographics for a new patient
• Access a patient and add and/or insurance information for that patient
• Schedule a patient visit/encounter
• Access and input clinical data for a patient during an encounter
For each request, provide the description as well as the screenshots of the task.
Based on your experience with OpenEMR from the case study assignment, comment (1-4 pages) on
the five components of usability (below).
1. Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they
encounter the design?
2. Efficiency: How fast can experienced users accomplish tasks?
3. Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, does the
user remember enough to use it effectively the next time, or does the user have to
start over again learning everything?
4. Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors and how easily
can they recover from the errors?
5. Satisfaction: How much does the user like using the system?
It is expected to have a detailed report containing all the necessary data, instructions, and guidelines to
reproduce easy and certainly the different tasks you have performed

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