The selected company is the Week One researched Company; the product/service were selected in Week Two. (Tesla)

1 – Introduction (included)

Describe the company, the product, and the elements you will be addressing in your plan, 

2 – Incorporate Executive Summary (Week 6)

After researching the components typically included in an Executive Summary, provide such elements.  Using numbers, include:

  1. Strategic Objectives
  2. Products or Services
  3. Resources Needed
  4. Projected Outcomes (3 years)

3 – Incorporate Understanding Target Markets (Week 2) (included)

Select a geographical area, provide a customer demographic profile. provide the quantitative demographics for the geographical area, compute the area market potential for the selected target market.

4 – Incorporate Promotion and the Product Life Cycle (Week 3) (included)

Here you discuss how Promotion Strategies change in each one of the five stages (Introduction, Growth, Maturity, Decline, Termination) of the PLC 

5 – Incorporate Price and Channel Strategy (Week 4) (included)

Here you provide your Distribution Plan for your product/service, your selected channels (be specific) and the pricing (use ‘numbers’) schedules for the selected channels.

6 – Incorporate Marketing Communication and Brand Strategy (Week 5) (included)

Here you describe the message you would use to start your brand and to then maintain your brand, and describe the 6 marketing elements strategies to build and maintain your product/service brand.

7 – Legal, Social and Ethical Considerations (Week 6)

Here you enter legal, social and ethical issues related to the marketing of your product and service.

8 – Develop a process to monitor and control marketing performance (Week 6)

Use specific numbers or  expected number ranges and describe how you would monitor your marketing implementation.

9 – Conclusion

Here you conclude your plans.

Please, make sure that your paper contains 9 Titled and numbered Sections to reflect the assignment titles and numbers as they are listed above.

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.

Include all peer-reviewed references from the previous weeks’ individual assignments in your marketing plan.

I have included weeks 1-5.  All you have to do it write the bullets 2, 7,8, and 9.  Also put everything in one paper.

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