Please answer each question fully. References needed . Must be original and be 500-1000 words. Please view the video listed in the below question and answer the questions . Create a scenario or event in an organization (i.e., safety, training, or another issue) using a low-quality after-action review. Next, speculate on the major negative effects within the organization if the same scenario or event were to reoccur. Support your response with at least two (2) examples of the identified negative effects.

•Watch the video titled “AAR (After Action Review) Definition & Explanation” (2 min 43 s), located below. You may also view the video at Next, using the reoccurrence of the scenario or event from part one of the discussion, change the low-quality to a high-quality after-action review. Then, suggest the most important lessons-learned using the high-quality after-action review method as an adopted business practice.

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