1. Select your ‘pet company’ – a public listed company that have more than 10 years track record

2. Download 10 years annual reports.

3. Prepare a Spread sheet that will key in the 10 years sets of financial statement in 10 columns :

– Income statement

– Statement of Fnancial Position

– Cash Flow statement

4. Perform a complete financial analysis as follows :

– Horizontal analysis

– Vertical analysis

– Ratios analysis

– Liquidity ratios

– Leverage / Gearing ratios

– Profitability ratios

– Viability ratios

– Efficiency ratios

– Du-pont analysis

– Altmans ratios

– Risk analysis

5. Evaluate the company and its potential.

6. Value the company using some basis of financial evaluation.

7. Prepare a formal Financial evaluation and valuation report of the company.

8. Recommend the company to your investor in your report.

9. Upload both you words version and excel version of your report.

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