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Make sure to include the following sections in your essay:
an introduction and claim,
and a conclusion.
Within the body of your essay, make sure to include the following in any order:
The background for your chosen topic,
the opposition – use an academic tone, and do not show bias,
the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents’ claims,
scholarly research,
your claim — use an academic tone, and do not show bias,
discuss the warrants for your claim and the opposition in order to find the common ground, and show the common ground between your opponents’ claim and your claim.
I. Introduction and thesis
II. Background Info
a. First example
b. Second etc.
III. Show Understanding of Opposition
a. Fairly present and show value of first reason of other side
b. Fairly present and show value of second reason of other side
(**You might have multiple paragraphs for multiple sides.)
IV. Assert your Position
a. First reason
b. Second reason
(**might have multiple paragraphs for multiple sides)
V. Demonstrate Common Ground
a. Show concessions in some (not all) situations based on context
b. Show higher interest, goal, or benefit achieved**
(** This also might be in the conclusion.)
VI. Conclusion
a. Summary
b. Implications
FINALLY: An annotated Bibliography (AB) is due with your Rogerian essay. Using the MLA guide, list each source as it will appear on the Works Cited page of your essay. Summarize each source in two or three grammatically-correct sentences. These short summaries are the “annotations.”