You are the vice president of a human resources department and Susan has been your executive assistant for one (1) year. She effectively completes her given assignments, sometimes ahead of schedule.  Susan has a welcoming personality and is commended on her willingness to help when asked. As a result of her efficiency, Susan often has spare time on her hands.

In several conversations, you have spoken with Susan about taking a proactive stance and involving herself in the business to increase her knowledge base. You have suggested she attend strategic planning meetings, shadow other Business Partners, and take professional development courses geared towards human resources.   Susan has not incorporated any of these suggestions.

The organization promotes and encourages employee development and has a requirement of 24 professional development (PD) hours for each employee per annual review cycle.  As VP of the department, you have offered to mentor Susan; yet she has not taken advantage of the offer. Given Susan’s capabilities and potential, you want to mutually establish future performance goals and developmental opportunities to enhance her effectiveness and maximize her organizational contributions.

Susan’s professional appearance and interaction with co-workers is superb.  When asked to complete a task, she fulfills the assignment willingly and with very few errors.  She is well liked and respected by her peers.  She has impeccable oral and written communication skills. Overall, you are pleased with her performance but want to see Susan take initiative to seek out tasks to complete rather than waiting to be told what to do.

As the VP of HR, you have been tasked with a two part assignment. In part one of this assignment you will explain the importance of performance appraisals, analyze the essential elements which should be included and describe how performance appraisals can be used to promote employee growth. In part two of this assignment you will create a performance appraisal for Susan.

Your paper should be 8-10 pages in length incorporating both parts I and II.  You can either design a performance appraisal document or use an existing template.  The performance appraisal should be no more than 3 pages of the total page count for the assignment.  Be sure your paper addresses all of the following components:

Part I: Importance of Performance Appraisals:

  • Explain how performance appraisals can be used as part of employee development.
  • Explain why rankings are given to employees and the advantages and disadvantages of including rankings.
  • Address why organizations should deliver appraisals in a timely manner to employees.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of three different types of performance appraisals. Make a recommendation of which type of performance appraisal is most appropriate for Susan.
  • Provide suggestions on how the manager can give feedback on a continual basis to the employee to encourage continual development.

Part II: Susan’s Performance Evaluation

As the VP of HR, you are providing Susan with feedback on these areas and suggesting ways to develop in the areas where she is not meeting expectations as outlined in the scenario. The performance appraisal directly ties to compensation increases. The appraisal should highlight achievements over the past year; while addressing expectations and setting goals moving forward.

The performance evaluation should address the following areas:

Professional Development

Job performance

Communication – internal and external

Professional Demeanor

Working relationships

Compensation recommendations

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