The coursework is an individual essay that critically analyses one argument found in
the literature on a topic that is relevant to the development and/or operation of
resorts or spas.
To start with, select a topic that appeals to you based the Moodle page i.e. resort
definition and classifications, resort ownership and operation, services marketing:
people, physical evidence or process, resort strategic management, resort
sustainability, the world of spa. Starting with the material on the Moodle page,
research the topic and in the literature find an argument (two clearly contrasting
perspectives). Analyse, assess, compare and contrast the different perspectives
then give your opinion and justify it.
Please ensure that you link the contrasting perspectives you are writing about to the
relevant theories discussed in class and that you justify your opinion for instance by
contextualising it in your country of origin or in a resort you have experience as a
guest of employee.

In principle, an essay does not have or has a limited number of headings. It flows in
a logical manner and includes an introduction, main section, and conclusion.
• Title page: Include the programme name, module name and code, essay topic
(argument), student name and UoD number, lecturer name, and submission date.
Page 5
• Acknowledgements: If appropriate, provide a page acknowledging those who
helped you complete the assessment.
• Content page: List the contents (Introduction, Findings and Analysis,
Conclusion, References) and the page numbers they appear on.
• Introduction: In approximately 200-300 words set the background, explain the
argument, and explain how you are approaching the argument in the findings and
analysis section.
• Findings and analysis: In approximately 2’000 words present one side of the
argument, the other side of the argument and give your opinion. Be factual and
provide enough clarity for the reader to understand where you are coming from.
• Conclusion: In approximately 200-300 words summarize the main points and
justify your opinion.
• References: Provide a reference list of all sources.
• Appendix: No appendix.
Formatting guidelines
• Use 12 point-size, 1.5 line spacing, and Arial font
• Spell and grammar check your text
• Reference all sources in the text using the Harvard Referencing System
• Include a reference list of all sources at the end of the report

I will show you a very good example essay, please use the same topic and argument (two clearly contrasting perspectives) but change into your own words also the title. please write a similar one but be careful the PLAGIARISM.

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