1. Define this trait.
  2. Describe how this trait came to be uniquely associated with American culture at the time.
  3. Describe how this trait, depending on the virtue or vice of the people, could be a benefit or a detriment to American exceptionalism.
  4. Discuss whether or not this trait is still characteristic of modern-day America.
  • Content: The Topic Brief must include the title page, a minimum of 2 content pages, and a bibliography page. Parenthetical author-date style is required for citations. Follow current Turabian author-date style for all components. Your submission must be in current Turabian format.

In preparation for the Final Research Paper, this assignment will require you to choose 1 of those traits as the focus of your paper.

  • Industriousness
  • Egalitarianism
  • Religiosity
  • Community Life

(Note that this is an early, brainstorming stage; as you complete more research for your paper, your understanding of the topic and prospective answers to the questions posed for the research paper will take shape.)


The minimum 2 content pages for your Topic Brief will be a summary of your responses to all of the prompts below. Complete the following steps:

  1. Choose a topic from among the 4 traits of American exceptionalism.
  2. Describe why you chose this trait as the topic for your Research Paper.
  3. A minimum of 3 scholarly sources, in current Turabian format, combining course material and outside material, are required. Sources you use for your Topic Brief’s bibliography must be included in your Annotated Bibliography in Module/Week 6, the bibliographic entries of which will be incorporated into your Final Research Paper in Module/Week 8.
  • Length: A minimum of 2 content pages, in addition to a title page and a bibliography page, are required. Parenthetical author-date style is required for citations. Follow current Turabian author-date style for all in-text citation components.
  • Sources/Citations: A minimum of 3 scholarly sources, combining course material and outside material, are required.

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