Project: Multinational Company Project

Select a multinational company from one of the following world regions:

1. European Union and England

2. North America

3. Central/South America

4. Asia

5. Australia

6. Sub-Saharan Africa

7. Middle East/North Africa


Once you have selected a world region, you must pick ONE of the following topics for your project:

1. Develop a comprehensive global human resource (HR) strategy for your company. Investigate what the firm is essentially doing and/or focus on what it should be doing. Your responsibility is to identify and then summarize major global challenges the multinational company is experiencing. Develop a matrix to show how the company can create a sustainable competitive advantage and highlight any key HR implications. Your strategy must specifically outline whether policies, programs and initiatives are to be global or domestic (centralized or decentralized) and explain the rationale for these decisions. In addition, you should explore and recapitulate how the HR function should be structured and managed to successfully implement this strategy.

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