Order instructions 

In this exercise, the student will examine one of the major themes in Population Geography. Examples are:


International or national
Voluntary or forced
Historical or current
Urban or Rural

Birth Rates

High population growth or low growth rates
Urbanization and modernization
Historical or current

Age-Sex Pyramids – Examples and analysis

The student may choose to look at any of the following:

Asian migration to the western hemisphere
Chinese migration to Southeast Asia
Forced migration of Africans to the western hemisphere
European migration to global destination
The student will read the assigned text materials (Chapters 1, 2, & 3), then find outside material on the subject; books, professional journals from the library or web sites on the subject matter. You will need a minimum of four sources. Upon completion of the reading and library or Internet research, the student will write a one page analysis of the subject matter below (A 400 word minimum in  MS Word or RTF document in Times Roman 12 or Arial 12 ) and cite your sources. Submit your file below.

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