Oral Presentation

• Host – present a critical (ie, research informed) overview of the group’s question and direct the conversation by making comments and asking questions of the other panellists.
• Academic critic/s (1 or 2) – discuss the main concepts (eg, ethical communication) and/or academic articles about the film.My Part
• Popular film critic (1 or 2) – present an overview of newspaper and online reviews of the film and evaluate different aspects of the film (eg, storylines, scenes, characters, performances, script features).
• A film producer – discuss the various marketing and production aspects of the film such as poster design, DVD cover design, advertising strategies.

Your presentation will need to use rhetorical strategies to engage your audience. Consider how you might use, for eg, the rhetorical appeals to engage your audience.
2-3 min= 450 words
Written component
To complete the oral presentation task you will need to create a word document responding to the following two prompts and submit it via Turnitin by the due date.

Inclusive Communication (500 words)
• Refer to academic research about culture and communication, intercultural rhetoric or inclusive style to describe (a) the expectations your audience might have had for your presentation, and (b) strategies you and your team used to ensure your presentation appealed to a multicultural audience. You might also mention whether the presentation has changed your understanding of audience expectations for university presentations.

In both entries you will be rewarded for discussing what this task reveals about academic communication. You must refer to at least two academic sources in order to pass this component of the task.

You should accurately reference and cite all sources you refer to in your submission. Students should follow APA or MLA style guidelines for citation, referencing, and formatting.

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