Research Study Topic 1
(Nankervis, Baird, Coffey & Shields, 2017, p. 498). This research essay allows students to explore the research literature on work-related stress and to consider the implications for employees and employers in making our workplaces safer. In this research study students are required to address the following questions:
- Provide two different definitions of work-related stress drawn from the research literature and attempt to compare and contrast these different definitions.
- Identify and explain three main sources of work-related stress and explain why some employees may see work-related stress as a challenge (eustress) whilst others may perceive it as a hindrance (distress). 3. Discuss how work-related stress varies across different occupations, identify and explain what are some of the most stressful occupations and why and identify and describe what employees in these occupations can do to mitigate the risk of health problems arising from work-related stress? 11
- Explain what the research literature tells us about stress management intervention and how organizations can help their employees to cope more effectively with high levels of work-related stress? 5. Speculate on why psychosocial stressors are seen to be a major challenge in contemporary workplaces today and what types of workplaces or industry sectors are more likely to be affected by this health and safety issue.
Research Study Topic 2
Direct employee participation and employee voice have re-emerged as key features of how organizations are managing their relationship with their employees, particularly in knowledge-based industries. There is a growing interest in understanding how employee voice mechanisms compliment and/or replace more traditional forms of indirect representation involving unions. This research topic allows students to explore in some detail the research around employee voice and its application to different occupations and industry sectors. In this research essay students are required to address the following questions:
- Provide two different definitions of employee voice drawing upon the research literature and attempt to compare and contrast these two definitions.
- Explain how the mechanisms of employee voice differs from those traditional involving unions and what is the trend in the industry towards employee voice complimenting or substituting for direct representation involving unions?
- Describe and explain what the research literature suggests is the perceived relationship between employee voice, employee attitudes at work and organizational performance?
- Explain what the research literature suggests is the best form of employee representation, direct, indirect or a mix of the two and why? Describe a type of organization or industry sector where a mix or hybrid approach to representation makes sense from the employer and employee perspective.
- The Fair Work Act 2009 mandates the role of unions in indirect representation but is silent on direct representation mechanisms. Why might it be argued that formal voice mechanisms not involving unions should also be mandated in law to ensure all employees have a say in decision-making at work?