Part 1 online discussion: (125 words)

For example, (please choose a global health issue of your own), imagine that you have developed a tobacco control policy that makes it unlawful to smoke cigarettes in a car with children.  Consider how you would have gone about:

  1. identifying the issues related to second hand smoke in confined spaces and developing the policy; or
  2. implementing the policy in South Australia; or
  3. determining whether the policy met it objectives and could be considered a success


Part 2 online activities :( 125 words)

1.Write your responses in relation to the international health policy you have selected using the following Collins’ framework

(1) define the context

(2) state the problem

(3) search for evidence

(4) consider different policy options

(5) project the outcomes

(6) apply evaluative criteria

(7) weigh the outcomes

(8) make the decision.

Collins, T 2005, ‘Health policy analysis: a simple tool for policy makers’, Public health, vol. 119, no. 3, pp. 192-196.

  1. Explore one of the above elements in depth – post on FLO. Internal students should be prepared to contribute to a class discussion around their response.
  2. Post the author, title and reference number for an additional article that you used to reply to the online activity Glossary page for week 7.




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