Module 3 Discussion Instructions

This week’s discussion is primarily an experiential and application forum discussion related to segmentation, positioning, and a variety of information found in chapter 6. You are expected to cite information from the Nielsen website, and you may use additional resources to  answer the final question, but outside research expectations will be more limited this week.


Preparing for the Discussion Board:


  1. Go to   on=learnmore and read the overview and features/benefits Scan the various segmentation systems listed on the right hand side in the block labelled “The Power of Segmentation” as the short descriptions provide some insights into the differences between each system.
  1. On the top menu, click the “Learn More” tab and select the “Using MyBest Segments” option from the drop-down Review the information.
  1. On the right hand side of the page you will see additional links under the “Using MyBest Segments” heading that lead to pages explaining the “who”, “what”, “where”, and “how” of my best Take the time to read through this information.
  1. Finally, from the “Learn More” tab at the top of the page, use the drop down menu to explore the PRIZM, PRIZM Premier, P$CYLE and ConneXions segmentation system pages.



Discussion Activity & Questions

Now that you have a working knowledge of the various systems, complete the following action and discussion questions.

  1. Go to the zip code look-up feature at   uOption=ziplookup&pageName=ZIP%2BCode%2BLookup.
  • Enter your zip
    • If you are an International student who lives outside of the United States, please use either 71115 or 90120, or another zip code of your Make certain that you note in your discussion that you do not live in the U.S.
    • If you are a S. citizen currently living abroad, use your home zip code.
  • The segmentation tab typically defaults to either “PRIZM” or “PRIZM Premiere”. Consider using a different segmentation system, such as P$YCLE, or

ConneXions, depending upon your interests. Choose which ever segmentation system interests you the most, OR gather data from ALL four segmentation systems (for a single zip code) to gain a more complete understanding of those who live in the zip code.

  • Review each of the top five segments (or clusters) listed for that zip
    • Clicking on the segment name in the results box will provide a snapshot description of the segment, some basic lifestyle and media traits, as well as a map illustrating the density of the segment/cluster throughout the S.
    • You will only be able to review information under the snapshot While others tabs are available, they are reserved for subscriber use only.
    • Record the name of each of the top five clusters so that you can access the information

2.       Now answer the following questions:

·          Question 1 (listing is fine):

Identify your zip code and the associated town and state. In terms of the segmentation system you chose (please identify which segmentation system or systems you selected), what were the top five segments for your zip code?

·          Question 2 (multiple parts):

  1. Did you share characteristics with any of the top five segments of your chosen segmentation system(s) for your zip code? Multiple segments? If so, briefly (You shouldn’t expect a perfect match, but at least look at the basic demographics and the snapshot description.)


  1. Which segment (if any) seems to “fit” you the best? Describe the segment and explain why it matches you (International students not living in the U.S., simply describe the characteristics of one of the top 5 segments.)
    • NOTE: IF none of the top five clusters/segments seems to describe you, click the Segment Details menu tab at the top of Click on the tab relating to the segmentation system you chose to explore.
      • Try using ONE of the search criteria available on the left-hand side to discover a segment that better describes
    • Describe that segment and explain why it matches you

·          Question 3: APPLICATION and EXTENSION (multiple parts)

  1. Review each of the top five segment’s media and lifestyle traits for your zip code. Select a specific product, service, or retailer that you believe would strongly benefit from specifically targeting one of the top five segments for your zip code IF IT IS NOT

one of the BRANDS SPECIFICALLY LISTED for the segment. It may be a nationally known brand or one that is specific to your zip code.

For example, perhaps one of the lifestyle traits distinguishing a segment is “fishing frequently”. Local tackle stores or tackle/hunting shops, sporting goods stores, and  even fishing guides would benefit from directly targeting that segment. Individuals who provide fishing reel and rod repair would benefit, as would those that manufacture their own baits or fishing rods.

Try to focus on products/services/retailers that would be not have the budget for major mass market campaigns. For example, BassPro Shops and Cabella’s would also be obvious choices to target the example segment but they also have very large marketing budgets that allow them to target multiple segments.

Justify your choice of product, service or retailer by relating product benefits and features (such as price) to the median income, cluster description, lifestyle information, etc. The brand’s differentiation and positioning strategies may also be helpful in justifying selection. You may also use external research to help justify your decision.

  • What marketing plan recommendations would you make for successfully targeting your chosen segment? Review Chapter 6; think about pricing strategies, methods of promotion, distribution, supply chain options and think about potential changes to the product / service mix that could be implemented to make the offering more attractive to the segment being As you make your recommendations, incorporate as justification any clues in the data that helped you determine HOW to target this segment. For example, you would discuss any information in the segment profile that suggests that a certain type of messaging strategy might appeal to the group, or particular types of media that may be more effective in reaching the segment.

Instructions for Student Replies

You will be replying to only a single student this week. However, I strongly encourage you to read multiple postings before selecting which one to use as the basis for your reply.


Only select a student who has chosen a zip code and segment OTHER THAN that discussed in your own reply to the discussion question. The purpose of this restriction is to help you to learn more about different segments and/or segmentation systems.

Begin by critique the student’s selection of a product or service for question #3, as well as his or her ideas for implementation.

Next, expand upon the student’s answer to question #3.

What other segment (within the same segmentation system chosen by the student you are critiquing) is attractive to target for either the same business, or a different business entirely?

Justify your selection of an alternate segment by relating product benefits to the median income, cluster description, lifestyle information, etc. You may also use external research to help justify your decision. If you cannot find another segment that is equally or more attractive, select the next best alternative.

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