An analysis of the implementation of government policies in preventing Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) amongst men who have sex with men (MSM) in UK
I would probably do Research Methodology as a separate chapter.
First, say what is the methodology (e.g. the methodology is a secondary research).
Separate subtitle ‘Keywords’ (please check the comment above)
According to supervisor would call the part “1.4.1 Research strategy ‘Research Methodology’ as here you explained why you chose secondary research as a methodology for your thesis, advantages and disadvantages
The plan for Research Methodology included:
1. Introduction.
2. Research Methodology
3. Data Collection and Literature Search Strategy
3.1 Keywords
3.2 Sources of Data and Information
3.3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
4. Data and Information Analysis
5. Ethical Considerations
6. Study Limitations